It is important for people to know what all of the cavy breeds look like before we can decide on a standard to use with our own cavy club.  I highly recommend that you purchase a standard from ARBA and the OCC so that you are able to know exactly what the judges look for and so that you know the differences in the standardized breeds in the different clubs.  All of these photos have permission to be on here from the webpage designer of the DRCBA homepage.  Many thanks for letting me use the graphics so I can show other people what the breeds look like.. :)

(photo used from DRCBA Webpage with permission)
Photo donated by CozyCavies
Has rough short wiry hair with 10 pin point rosettes. 

Satin Abyssinian
(photo used from DRCBA Webpage with permission)
Photo donated by Valoriel
 The same as an abyssinian except that it has satin sheen.

Boucle (Known as Alpacas in the US)
Photo donated by Valoriel
(not ARBA/ACBA standardized)
Curly coated breed  with 2 rump rosettes and a frontal. Sometimes has extra rosettes.

(photo used from DRCBA Webpage with permission)
(only accepted in white crested by ARBA/ACBA)
Short coated breed that has a pin point rosette (crest) in the centre of the head. Cannot have any rosettes on any other part of the body.
Photo coming soon.
Satin Crested
(not ARBA/ACBA standardized)
Same as crested except with satin sheen.  Cannot have any rosettes on any other part of the body.

(photo used from DRCBA Webpage with permission)
Photo donated by Red Rock
 Long haired breed with a point point rosette (crest) in the centre of the head.  Cannot have any rosettes on any other part of the body.

(photo used from DRCBA Webpage with permission)
Photo donated by Valoriel
(not ARBA/ACBA standardized)
 Curly coated breed with a pin point rosette (crest) in the centre of the head.  Cannot have any rosettes on any other part of the body.

Photo donated by Sierra Satins
 Long haired breed with a long mane that flows back.  Cannot have any rosettes on any part of the body.

Satin Silkie
(photo used from DRCBA Webpage with permission)
Photo donated by CozyCavies
 Same as the Silkie except has Satin Sheen and a smaller hair shaft.  Cannot have any rosettes on any part of the body.

Photo compliments of CozyCavies
 Long haired breed with 2 rump rosettes and a frontal.  Sometimes has extra rosettes. 

Satin Peruvian
(photo used from DRCBA Webpage with permission)
Photo donated by CozyCavies
 Same as the Peruvian except with Satin sheen and a smaller hair shaft.

Smooth Coat (Known as American in the US)
(photo used from DRCBA Webpage with permission)
 Short haired breed that cannot have any long hair or rosettes.

Satin Smooth Coat (known as American Satin in the US)
(photo used from DRCBA Webpage with permission)
Photo donated by CozyCavies
 Same as Smooth coat except with Satin Sheen.

(photo used from DRCBA Webpage with permission)
Photo donated by CozyCavies
 Kinky coated breed that does not have any rosettes.  Coat should not be flat anywhere.  There are two accepted types of coats with this breed; rough and plush.
 Photo coming soon
Satin Teddy
 Same as teddy except with Satin Sheen.

(photo used from DRCBA Webpage with permission)
Photo donated by CozyCavies
Curly coated breed with no rosettes which has a mane like the silkie and the coronet.